Confessions, Realizations, Revelations, Declarations, Acknowledgments, Statements, Confirmations, Recognitions, Stories, Proclamations, Admissions, or just plain Utterance. Whatever you want to call it; this is a place for me to share thoughts my mind is dwelling on. I hope these will be a blessing to your life and to mine!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to... pray against demons

How to Pray for
Someone Being Harassed by Demons

1) Pray that the demons may be cut off from all communication and help from other demons and Satan.
2) Pray that the demons would be confused and weakened in their hold on the person.
3) Pray that the person would be strengthened in his/her faith to understand their position in Christ and to trust and obey God’s Word.
4) Pray that the person may be able to distinguish between their own thoughts and feelings and those of Satan.
5) Pray that the person might recognize the demonic presence and not be confused, but willingly seek godly counsel and help.
6) Pray that God would protect and guide His child and set angelic forces at work to break up every scheme of the enemy.

“Prayer is the Christian’s 1st line of defense against demonic influence. And when you pray, mean it. Fervent prayer thwarts Satan’s activity like nothing else.”
–Quote from a High Priest of Satan-turned-Christian

Monday, September 20, 2010


For the past few months I have been painfully going through a rebirthing process I had no idea who I was or where I was going, writing in the “about me” section on facebook literally would put me in a bad mood. I was in the process of merging my flesh with my spirit. It seemed I was stuck in that stage that Paul describes in Romans 7. But I am proud to announce that today, September 20, 2010, I am FREE!!!!!

My chains are gone! Jesus Christ has set me free! I am no longer a product of my past; I am no longer a rape victim, no longer a walking mistake, I am no longer a recovering alcoholic or drug addict, I am no longer worthless, I am no longer angry, I am no longer anxious or depressed, I am no longer guilty or shamed. What I am is free, I am a new creation, I am a child of God, I am loved, I am joyful, and I am at peace, and I am happy.

Thanks to those of you who played a special part in the rebirthing process. God used you in ways you’ll never know. Some of you had very difficult jobs, and some of them may have seemed minor but they all played a huge part in the journey from old creation to new! Everything mattered; from a text message to a short conversation, some of you just listened to me, some of you just embraced me while I cried, and some of you just loved me with all that you had, and some of you did all of the above! Thank you for being so patient and for being who you are in Christ. May God rain blessings upon you for the rest of your days!!!

As for what comes next… who knows …

This story is TO BE CONTINUED….

Glory to God forever and ever! Amen!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Hate Letter to Satan

WHO AM I? : A Child of God

WHAT IS MY GOAL? : Sanctification

TIMELINE TO COMPLETE? : My entire life

Sanctification is... difficult. At this point in my life, for me, I am trying to merge my flesh and my spirit to become one. I am already eternally free and have received eternal grace, but haven't allowed myself to receive it daily. It is as if I am trying to make my flesh and spirit agree on something or be "on the same page."

For some reason, it is quite evident that Satan does not want me to complete this.


For real... he is Conniving little bitch (excuse the language). He is the Father of Lies; his goal every stinkin' day is to DECEIVE me into believing I am an unworthy sinner who is unloved and a complete and utter failure, and at that he wants me to think I am not beautiful, I will never amount to anything, and I am now and forever will be a product of my past. He deceives me into thinking I absolutely can't move past this, I are stuck in this junk forever and guess whos fault that is... MINE.


Well guess what Satan. Do you remember um... about two thousand years ago when that man named Jesus came to this earth for about thirty or so years and died on a cross and then resurrected. Oh yeah, um... of course you do because that was the day you became a PERMANENT FAILURE! You think you are a God, but you are the farthest thing from it. You think you have power... not next to my God you don't. You think you can control my mind; HA! Fat Chance i'm not gonna let you do that!!!!

Oh and by the way, do you REMEMBER where your spending eternity? Don't act like you don't, you know God's Word... probably better than I do... you know that you are spending ETERNITY buring in the unquinchable fires of hell. Banished for ever and ever from the presence the one and only God of Perfection!!!!


I refuse to listen to you and your lies anymore! I am turning a deaf ear to you and your demons!!! All your tricks, REVEALED!!! We are stronger because we have the All-Powerful; we are Smarter because He is Omniscient; We are FREE & SECURE because He our SAVIOR; We are LOVED because My God is LOVE; We are worthy because He is our Father and we are his Children; We are worry-free because our God is IN CONTROL.


So Satan... just give up! Take your lies, your schemes, your tricks, and your pseudo-power and GO TO HELL!!!!! Oh yeah... and stay the hell away from me and my fellow Christians; and if you don't... who cares because HE IS STRONGER, SIN IS BROKEN, WE ARE SAVED, IT IS WRITTEN, CHRIST HAS RISEN, and HE IS THE LORD OF ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

See yourself for who you really are

Slavery in the United States was abolished by the 13th amendment on December 18th, 1865. How many slaves were there on December 19th? In reality, none, but many still lived like slaves. Many did, because they never learned the truth, others knew and even believed that they were free but chose to live as they had been taught.

Several plantation owners were devastated by this proclamation of emancipation. "We're ruined! Slavery has been abolished. We've lost the battle to keep our slaves." But their chief spokesman slyly responded, "Not necessarily, as long as these people think they're still slaves, the proclamation of emancipation will have no practical effect. We don't have a legal right over them anymore, but many of them don't know it. Keep your slaves from learning the truth, and your control over them will not even be challenged."

"But what if the news spreads?"

"Don't panic. We have another barrel in our gun. We may not be able to keep them from hearing the news, but we can still keep them from understanding it. They don't call me the father of lies for nothing. We still have the potential to deceive the WHOLE WORLD. Just tell them that they misunderstood the 13th amendment. Tell them that they are going to be free, but they aren't free yet. Tell them that the truth they heard is just positional truth, not actual truth. Someday they may receive the benefits, but not now."

"But they'll expect me to say that. They won't believe me."

"Then pick out a few persuasive ones who are convinced that they're still slaves and let them do the talking for you. Remember, most of these free people were born as slaves and have lived like slaves. All we have to do is deceive them so that they still think like slaves. As long as they continue to do what slaves do, it will not be hard to convince them that they must still be slaves. They will maintain their slave identity because of the things they do. The moment they try to profess that they are no longer slaves, just whisper in their ear, 'How can you even think you are no longer a slave when you are still doing things that slaves do?' After all, we have the capacity to accuse the brethren day and night."

Years later, many have still not heard the wonderful news that they have been freed, so naturally they continue to live the way they have always lived. Some have heard the good news, but evaulated it by what they are presently doing and feeling. They reason, "I'm still living in bondage, doing the same things I have always done. My experience tells me that I must not be free. I'm feeling the same way I was before the proclamation, so it must not be true. After all, your feelings always tell the truth." So they continue to live according to how they feel, not wanting to be hypocrites!

One former slave hears the good news, and receives it with great joy. He checks out the validity of the proclamation, and finds out that the HIGHEST of all authorities has originated the decree. Not only that, but it personally cost the authority a tremendous price which He willingly paid, so that he could be free. His life is transformed. He correctly reasons that it would be hypocritical to believe his feelings, and not believe the truth. Determined to live by what he knows to be true, his experiences began to change rather dramatically. He realizes that his old master has no authority over him and does not need to be obeyed. He gladly serves the one who set him free.


The above story is to illustrate the way we as believers still think of ourselves as sinners instead of saints. If you were to attend any Bible-believing church and ask the congregation, "How many believe that you are a sinner?" They will all raise their hands. Then ask, "How many believe you are a saint?" Few, if any, would raise their hands. Why is that?

Possibly because some have never been taught different. Others tend to think it would be prideful to identify themselves as saints. Many believe the label "sinner" best fits their present condition. They sin, so therefore they must be sinners. Even if you told them they are both saint and sinner, they will believe the latter and probably not the former because of their experiences.

Like the story, this way of thinking is from Satan. He is the Father of Lies. He has been studying us since the beginning of creation and he knows that even though Jesus has now proclaimed that we are the very children of God, and we are redeemed saints, he continues to try to and deceive us into thinking that this cannot be true because of our actions, our past, our experiences, our temptations, our thoughts.

The first thing we need to understand is that our minds, unfortunately, do not have a mental delete button. We were born into this world as slaves to sin, allowing Satan to rule over our hearts and minds. We learned how to live independently of God. And now that we are Christians, we must renew our minds. Jesus came, died, and rose so that we may have new life, true life. Well, new life brings new identity. It is not what you do as a Christian that determines who you are, it is what you are that determines what you do.

Start seeing yourself for who you really are. We're not trying to become children of God; we are already children of God who are becoming like Christ. If you want to defeat fear, failure, rejection, lust, porn, anger, depression, selfishness or anything else you must get right with God. Getting right with God always begins with settling once and for all that God is your loving Father and you are His accepted child. That is the foundational truth from which you live.

You are child of God, you are created in His image, you have been justified already and already declared righteous by Him because of Christ's finished work and your faith in him. As long as you believe that and walk accordingly, your daily experience of practical Christianity will result in growth. I promise that if you question this finished work of Christ, you will struggle, because you are trying to become somebody that you already are.

We don't serve God to gain His acceptance; we are accepted, so we serve God. We don't follow Him to be loved; we are loved, so we follow Him. It is not what we do that determines who we are; it is who we are that determines what we do.

Beloved, you are a child of God. To live the victorious Christian life you will have to believe what is already true about you. Will you have opposition to believing this truth? Of course! The father of lies has deceived the whole world, and he accuses us day and night. And if that isn't enough, others will put you down. We have to keep reminding ourselves of these positional truths.
We are neither saved nor sanctified by how we behave but by how we believe.

Stop trying to do for yourself what God has already done for you. Stop trying to earn a title of saint; it is already true about you! We just need to worship God for all he has done and rest in the finished work of Christ. We need to hear again and again the wonderful identity and position that we already have in Christ; then we will be better prepared to receive the instructions and assume our responsibility for living the Christian life.

Next time you become dominated by the flesh or deceived by the devil, remind yourself. "I am a saint by the grace of God and I intend to live my life as His child in the way He intended me to live by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit."

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Freewill and the Sovereignty of God
By Mark E. Moore

Notice that the title of this essay is not ‘Freewill vs. the Sovereignty of God’ for the
Scriptures affirm them both. Obviously God is sovereign—he has the right and power to make
any and all decisions. Logically, however, this does not demand that he make all decisions or
determine all actions; it merely demands that he has the right and power to do so. Part of
sovereignty must, necessarily, include the ability of the sovereign to delegate authority,
decisions, and actions. If he doesn’t have the power to delegate then his power is, to this extent,
limited. To illustrate, a king has the sovereign right to send an ambassador to carry out his
business and even make independent decisions. Likewise a president or CEO will hire staff. Or
the father of a house (adopting the Biblical hierarchy of Eph 5:23; 1 Cor 11:3) could rely on his
wife or first-born son, or for that matter, anyone he chooses, to carry out his daily affairs. These
are, in fact, the kind of metaphors used of God so the illustrations seem appropriate here.
This essay not only affirms the sovereign rights and powers of God but even his privilege
to act in ways we might deem arbitrary. For example Deuteronomy 2:30 says God ‘hardened’ Sihon so that he refused to allow the Israelites to pass through his land in order that Israel would attack and beat the Ammonites and take their territory. In Judges 14:1-4 Sampson lusts for Philistine women because God ordained it! Here is a terribly troubling one: God incited David to number his troops and then punished him for doing so (2 Samuel 24:1). It gets worse: 1
Chronicles 21:1 tells the same story only replaces the word ‘God’ with ‘Satan.’ Apparently Satan
incited David to take a census because God bade him do the ‘dirty work.’ In a similar vein, in
Ezekiel 14:9 God ‘enticed’ false prophets and then punished them for telling lies. Even in
the New Testament God put a spirit of delusion on people so they would believe the lie
of the Lawless One (2 Thess 2:11). These hardly fits the flannel-graph God of Sunday School.
Hence, this essay is not an attempt to rescue God from seemingly arbitrary acts such as thirdworld poverty, historical human evil, or Pandora’s open box in the natural world such as viruses, earthquakes, chiggers, and country-music. If God is sovereign, as the Bible asserts, then he is perfectly capable of defending himself without my assistance.

Rather this essay is an attempt to understand and affirm several major aspects of the
Bible that affirm human freewill at least to some moderate extent.

1. Throughout the Bible, God develops relationships through covenant. Each covenant has
terms, promises, and punishments. If the terms are kept, one receives the rewards, if they
are not, one receives the punishments. Covenant is the macro-structure of the entire Bible
(we even name the two major parts of the Bible ‘Old’ and ‘New Testament’). Without
freewill, both the invitation to join the covenant and the punishment for breaking the
covenant is nonsense … or at least extraneous. If, after all, God predetermines the destiny
of every human being, why go through the extensive legal process of covenant? Just
reward those you like and those you don’t can go to Hell.

2. Conditional Prophecy, likewise, is an extraneous verbal waste. A conditional prophecy
is one that uses or implies the term ‘if.’ God says, “If you do this I will respond in this
way, if you do not I will respond differently” (e.g. Isa 1:19–20; cf. Matt 23:37). Ok, if I
have no choice, then why the ‘if’? It is empty language to offer someone a choice who
actually has no choice. It is like asking a teenage boy if he would like to grow 3 inches or
20. Furthermore, some prophecies to Israel did not, in fact, come to pass as God said,
precisely because the word of the Lord was not obeyed.

3. God does not want any to perish (Eze 33:11; 2 Pet 3:9). If our destiny is absolutely
controlled by God then (a) he is schizophrenic, or (b) these passages refer to the chosen
only. However, if these refer only to the chosen, why are the ‘chosen’ called ‘wicked’?
After all, our classification as ‘righteous’ as opposed to ‘wicked’ under total sovereignty
would be determined only by God choosing us—his choice makes me righteous.
Furthermore, 2 Peter says God is waiting patiently for the wicked to repent. How can he
wait for that which he determined before the foundation of the world? This is
nonsensical. Furthermore, to say that God wants the vast majority to go to Hell is a
horribly inhospitable thing of which to accuse YHWH. He is a God of love and it is
inconceivable that he be compared to a Musilini, Stalin, or Hitler, eradicating all whom
he does not arbitrarily deem worthy.

4. The Bible speaks as if people have choices. Cain apparently had a choice whether to do
what was right or wrong (Gen 4:6–7) and Joshua urged the Israelites to choose whether
or not to serve God (Josh 24:15). See also Proverbs 1:29; 3:31; 8:10; Isa 7:15; 56:4. In
fact, Israel, God’s ‘chosen’ rejected God and against His will set up kings and idols
(Hosea 8:3–4).

5. While none of us accepts the Lord without God’s prior choosing and wooing (John 6:44;
15:16) we are invited to respond to God’s invitation (Matt 11:28; 22:1–14). Why are
we invited to respond if we are predetermined?

6. Without human choice the categories or sin and love are both meaningless. How can
we be judged for doing evil that we were forced to do? That is tantamount to shooting
pit-bull because he mauled a bunny. That’s what he was bred to do; he is not culpable for
fulfilling his purpose. Likewise, manipulated or coerced love not only looses all its
beauty and charm, it is actually abhorrent. Pedophiles, kidnappers, slave-traders, and
pimps sometimes actually do have loyal ‘clients’ but it is because of a psychosis needing
treatment, not the gracious love generated only by a divine God.

7. God changed His mind on various occasions as a result of people either repenting or
praying (cf. Exodus 32:9-13, Numbers 14:10-20, 2 Samuel 24:16, Psalm 106:45, Isaiah
57:6, Jeremiah 18:8, 42:10, Ezekiel 24:14, Jonah 3:9-10 and 4:2).

8. We are made in the image of God. That very nature sets us apart from animals. One of
the essential characteristics of our imago dei is that we have volition. To remove that
would radically alter the creation account, making the whole narrative of the fall a farce,
not to mention the sacrifice of Jesus, which becomes unnecessary theatrics. For if God
made us sinners so that Jesus would have to die when God could have created us sinless,
then we have more significant problems than just figuring out what it means that God is
In short, maybe the whole sovereignty/freewill thing comes down to the fact that we make decisions and have freewill to do as we wish, but the sovereignty of God simply means that he knows in advance what we will choose to do. This seems likely since he is our very creator who knows us better than we know ourselves. So, when we are given a choice, we have the freewill to choose one way or the other, but God (being sovereign) already knows the direction in which we will choose.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who I am... In Christ


John 1:12 I am God's Child.
John 15:15 I am Christ's Friend.
Romans 5:1 I have been justified.
1 Corinthians 6:17 I am united with the Lord, and I am one spirit with Him.
1 Corinthians 6:20 I have been bought with a price. I belong to God.\
1 Corinthians 12:27 I am a member of Christ's Body.
Ephesians 1:1 I am a saint.
Ephesians 1:5 I have been adopted as God's child.
Ephesians 2:18 I have direct access to God through the Holy Spirit.
Colossians 1:14 I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
Colossians 2:10 I am complete in Christ.


Romans 8:1,2 I am free from condemnation.
Romans 8:28 I am assured that all thigns work together for good.
Romans 8:31-34 I am free from any condemning charges against me.
Romans 8:35-39 I cannot be seperated from the love of God.
2 Corinthians 1:21,22 I have been established, anointed and sealed by God.
Philippians 1:6 I am confident that God won't give up on me.
Philippians 3:20 I am a citizen of heaven.
Colossians 3:3 I am hidden with Christ in God.
2 Timothy 1:7 I haven't been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love
and a sound mind.
Hebrews 4:16 I can find grace and mercy in time of need.
1 John 5:18 I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me.


Matthew 5:13,14 I am the salt and light of the earth.
John 15:1,5 I am a branch of the true vine, a channel of His life.
John 15:16 I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit.
Acts 1:8 I am a personal witness of Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:16 I am God's temple.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21 I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
2 Corinthians 6:1 I am God's coworker (see 1 Cor. 3:9)
Ephesians 2:6 I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realm.
Ephesians 2:10 I am God's workmanship.
Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who are you?

"Who are you?"

It sounds like a simple question requiring a simple answer, but it really isn't. For example, if someone asked me, "Who are you?" I might answer, "Neil Anderson."

"No thats your name. Who are you?"

"Oh, I'm a student at OCC."

"No, thats what you do. Who are you?"

"I'm an American."

"No, thats where you live."

"I'm an evangelical."

"Thats your denominational preference."

I could say that i'm 5' tall and around 97 lbs. My physical dimensions and appearance, however, aren't me either.

"Who am I" is far more than what you see on the outside. Pauls said, "We recognize no man according to the flesh" (2 Cor. 5:16). Maybe the Early Church didn't, but generally, we do. We tend to identify ourselves and each other primarily by what we look like (tall, short, stocky, slender) or what we do (plumber, carpenter, nurse, engineer, clerk). Furthermore, when we Christians are asked to identify ourselves in relation to our faith, we usually talk about our doctrinal position (Protestant, evangelical, calvinist, charismatic), our denomination preference (Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Independant) or our role in the church (Sunday School teacher, choir member, deacon, usher).


I believe the latter to be true. I believe that hope for growth, meaning, and fulfillment as a Christian is based on understanding who you are -- specifically, your identity in Christ as a CHILD OF GOD. Your understanding of who God is and who you are in relationship to Him is the critical foundation for your belief system and your behavior patterns as a Christian.

I am beginning this journey today, September 7th 2010. Pray for me...

Lend me your Hope...

Lend me your hope for awhile,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Lost and hopeless feelings acompany me daily,
pain and confusion are my companions.
I know not where to turn;
looking ahead to future times does not bring forth images of renewed hope.
I see troubled times, pain-filled days, and more tragedy.

Lend me your hope for awhile,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Hold my hand and hug me;
listen to all my ramblings, recovery seems so far distant.
The road to healing seems like a long and lonely one.

Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Stand by me, offer me your presence, your heart and your love.
Acknowledge my pain, it is so real and present.
I am overwhelemd with sad and conflicting thoughts.

Lend me your hope for a while;
a time will come when I will heal,
and I will share my renewal,
hope and love with others.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


How do you unlearn what has previously been learned? How do you overcome these "preunderstandings"?

A Paradoxical World

We live in a paradoxical world. A world where it is possible to love and hate the same person. Where we speak of peace but shelter enmity. Where every vice is hid by hypocrisy, every virtue is suspected to be hypocrisy . . . and the suspicion is looked upon as wisdom. Where truth gets lost in presuppositions. The same world is heaven and hell. Society, politics, commerce, literature, art and sciences, religion and ethics, all are full of paradoxes, contradictions, injustice, selfishness, and unreliablity. "To maintain an opinion because it is thine, and not because it is true, is to prefer thyself above the truth." (Venning)

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.
If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Honesty and love make you vulnerable.
Be honest and love anyway.
People need help but attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.