Confessions, Realizations, Revelations, Declarations, Acknowledgments, Statements, Confirmations, Recognitions, Stories, Proclamations, Admissions, or just plain Utterance. Whatever you want to call it; this is a place for me to share thoughts my mind is dwelling on. I hope these will be a blessing to your life and to mine!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today I was praying to God because lately I feel really discouraged. I was praying to God telling him that I know he is a sovereign God and that he is a God of love and forgiveness and so why does it feel like I keep reaping bad things. I understand there are consequences to actions but I do not believe that God sits there with his arms crossed and an "I told you so" attitude and rubs our face in our mess. If that is what you think then my whole life is proof that you are wrong. As soon as I became a Christian, asking for forgiveness for all the thing I had done was my consequence. Do we as Christians not understand that with prayer we are coming before the throne of God? Prayer is so intimate and me approaching the throne of God with all of that baggage was enough shame and consequence that He doesn't make me have tough times every single day now. Once you ask for forgiveness it is done and forgotten. You are no longer held accountable to that.

So lately, people in my life have been making me question that. So I was reading in the words of Job when Job curses the day he was born and this is exactly how I have been feeling lately. (Ch.3) and then in Chapter 4, Job's wis friend Eliphaz speaks. and he says:

"Think about how many people you have taugh and the weak hands you have made strong. Yor words have comforted those who fell and you have strengthened those who could not stand. But now trouble coms to you, and you re discouraged: trouble hits you,and you are terrified.
You should have confidence because you respect God; you should have hope because you are innocent.
But if I were you, I would call on God and bring my problem before him. God does wonders that cannot be understood; he does so many miracles they cannot be counted.
He gives rain to the earth and sends water on the fields. He makes the humble person important and lifts the sad to places of safety. He ruins the plans of those who trick others so they have no success. He catches the wise in their own clever traps and sweeps away the plans of those who try to trick others. Darkness covers them up in the daytime; even at noon they feel around in the dark. God saves the needy from their lies and from the harm done by powerful people. So the poor have hope, while those who are unfair are silenced.
The one whom God corrects is happy, so do not hate being corrected by the Almighty. God hurts, but he also bandages up; he injured, but his hands also heal. He will save you from six troubles; even seven troubles will not harm you.
God will buy you back from death....God will protect you from the tongues of others... You will not be afraid... You will laugh at destruction and hunger... You will know that your home is safe... You will know that you will have many children... You will come to the grave with all of your strength... We have checked this and it is true, so hear it and decide what it means to you."

This came after Job was even discouraged by his Wife! The one whom he loves and trusts! Even his wife was telling him that he was just reaping what he sowed and he was just getting what he deserved.

But we must understand that sometimes God is soooooooo big... he uses trouble to accomplish his will. Sometimes we are innocent and God is just doing something that our own minds can't even imagine. I believe that my God is Sovereign, I believe that God bandages those he hurts, and heals those whom he has injured, I believe God does protect me, and he will give me strength, I believe he will supply me with children when the time is right, and I believe that he will keep my home safe from demons, burglars, and other monsters! I believe he is an Almighty and Powerful God whose wonders cannot be understood and he does so many miracles that they cannot be counted... Do you?

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