Confessions, Realizations, Revelations, Declarations, Acknowledgments, Statements, Confirmations, Recognitions, Stories, Proclamations, Admissions, or just plain Utterance. Whatever you want to call it; this is a place for me to share thoughts my mind is dwelling on. I hope these will be a blessing to your life and to mine!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Word Play

"The words of a good person give life, like a fountain of water, but the words of the wicked contain nothing but violence. Hatred stirs up trouble, but love forgives all wrongs." Proverbs 10:11-12

Words... they have so much power. Words spoken can give a person hope, meaning, encouragement, dignity, and life. Words unspoken can be just as effective.

Words can make us lazy because although words should be used as a tool of communication, they are not a substitute for action.

Words can divide or unite.

Words can restore relationships of all kinds.

Words are the voice of your heart.

Words can impress the mind or words can prove foolishness.

Words are easy, like the wind; yet sometimes there are no words to express what the heart feels.

Words are often first steps.

Words can not be revoked. Words are permanent.

Words can accomplish a lie... but so can silence.

"Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it will eat the fruit there of." Proverbs 18:21

Words are untameable. Words are unruly evil; full of deadly poison.

Words are used to bless and praise God and to curse men which are made in the image of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing.

Words often symbolize surrender. Silence often symbolizes defeat.

Words used to much have lost their meaning.

Words are used by both God and Satan.

"Watch you thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions because they become habits. Watch your habits because this develops character. Watch your character for this determines your destiny."

Help me with my Words! Anything that enters my mind that is not of you, seal my lips shut. Do not let worthless and violent words be spoken from your Child. Let my words give strength to the weak, hope to the hopeless, faith to the faithless, and love to those who need it most. Let my words bringeth the peace that passes understanding. Help me to speak gently and have a calm heart controlled by your spirit. Let my words bring life to anyone that I encounter. Let my words spur a passion and desire to know you into the hearts of everyone around me. Let my words be abundant with your wisdom, knowledge, and understand. Let my words be used by you and only you! I love you Lord.
-Ariel Nicole

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